The following article was originally published in Health Keepers, a magazine created by Trinity's founder, Dr. Wendell Whitman. This article appeared in Volume 1 • Issue 2 • Spring 1998, pg 6-8. This article was originally titled, "Seasonal Affective Disorder (Don't Let Winter Make You S.A.D)" was written by Frank J. King, Jr., N.D., D.C. ...
Find Your Zen With Movement Meditation
This blog post was written by Victoria L. Freeman, Ph.D., CHFS, CMH. Isn’t it refreshing, in those rare moments, to slow down and savor the sensations in life that usually fly by. The sound of a bird’s song, the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair, the fragrance from...
Traditional Flower Remedies: Agrimony
The following article was originally published in Health Keepers, a magazine created by Trinity's founder, Dr. Wendell Whitman. This article appeared in Volume 1 • Issue 4 • Autumn 1998, pg 17-18. This article originally titled, "Traditional Flower Remedies: Agrimony" was written by Beth Adams Spencer M.H., N.D. DISCLAIMER: This blog post is...
Barefoot and Healthy: The Benefits of Earthing
This blog post was written by Victoria L. Freeman, Ph.D., CHFS, CMH When was the last time you took a leisurely walk through the grass … barefoot? Walked barefoot on the beach? Dug into the earth with your bare hands? If you’re like most of us, it’s been way too long....
How Holistic Fitness and Traditional Fitness Differ
“With every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” - Newton’s Third Law As modern medicine’s popularity increased, its shortfalls, such as painful and extensive side effects, became more apparent. These revelations during the twentieth century, along with other cultural movements, prompted a shift towards...