The following article was originally published in Health Keepers, a magazine created by Trinity's founder, Dr. Wendell Whitman. This article appeared in Volume 9 • Issue 1 • pg 12-13. This article originally titled, "Enzymes" was written by Dr. Wade R. Lachman, ND, CH, CNHP. Years ago, someone said something to me that, at...
Organic Food Benefits: Better for People and the Planet
This blog post was written by Victoria L. Freeman, Ph.D., CHFS, CMH. Your choices at the grocery store have a profound influence on your health, and they also directly impact the health of our home planet. This statement is no exaggeration. It’s true. We’re not referring to choices between nutritious...
The Role of Enzymes and Probiotics for Health
The following article was originally published in Health Keepers, a magazine created by Trinity's founder, Dr. Wendell Whitman. This article appeared in Volume 7 • Issue 3 • pg 7-8, 45. This article originally titled, "Don't Forget the Workers!" was written by Chris Clausing. Imagine you are building your dream home. All the...
Stress Management: A Balancing Act in the Fast Lane
The following article was originally published in Health Keepers, a magazine created by Trinity's founder, Dr. Wendell Whitman. This article appeared in Volume 7 • Issue 1 • pg 27-29. This article originally titled, "Balancing Act in the Fast Lane" was written by Stuart Hite, CNHP, ND. Naturopaths largely believe that stress...
The Benefits of Dry Skin-Brushing
The following article was originally published in Health Keepers, a magazine created by Trinity's founder, Dr. Wendell Whitman. This article appeared in Volume 7 • Issue 1 • pg 32-34. This article originally titled, "The Benefits of Dry Skin-Brushing" was written by Bruce Berkowsky, NMD, NCTMB. The body’s largest organ is the...