Sometimes change is expected and well planned. Other times, it’s seemingly out of our control. This blog will specifically discuss chosen, purposeful change but many of these tips can apply to any adjustment you are making. Intentional changes are typically implemented to improve ourselves, our family’s routines, or our...
The Bible as a Roadmap to Health
This blog post was written by Victoria L. Freeman, Ph.D., CHFS, CMH. When “Richard”* (name changed to protect his privacy) came to see Dr. James Evans, he did so after struggling for some time with a mindset and behaviors associated with perfectionism. This struggle was harming family relationships and his...
God’s Gift: The Power and Versatility of Essential Oils- Part 3 Traditional Chinese Medicine
God’s Gift: The Power and Versatility of Essential Oils Part 3: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Essential Oils This blog post was written by Victoria L. Freeman, Ph.D., CHFS, CMH. We’ve arrived at the third and final blog of this series. So far, we’ve explored the remarkable influence essential oils (EOs)...
The Connection Between Enzymes and Energy
The following article was originally published in Health Keepers, a magazine created by Trinity's founder, Dr. Wendell Whitman. This article appeared in Volume 9 • Issue 1 • pg 12-13. This article originally titled, "Enzymes" was written by Dr. Wade R. Lachman, ND, CH, CNHP. Years ago, someone said something to me that, at...
Stress Management: A Balancing Act in the Fast Lane
The following article was originally published in Health Keepers, a magazine created by Trinity's founder, Dr. Wendell Whitman. This article appeared in Volume 7 • Issue 1 • pg 27-29. This article originally titled, "Balancing Act in the Fast Lane" was written by Stuart Hite, CNHP, ND. Naturopaths largely believe that stress...